
Jet shot down, Erdogan asks for a meeting with Putin

Turkish President Erdogan would have called Putin a few hours after the jet was shot down, without however receiving a response - Possible meeting between the two on Monday in Paris - Turkey has suspended flights to Syria in mutual agreement with Russia, which in the meantime is tightening controls on Turkish companies active in the country.

Jet shot down, Erdogan asks for a meeting with Putin

The tension remains high between Russia and Turkey, after the shooting down of the Russian jet on the border between Syria and Türkiye. To try to mend this rift the Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan reportedly called Vladimir Putin on the phone between 7 and 8 hours after the fact. A version, that of Erdogan, initially denied by Russian Foreign Minister Serghiei Lavrov, but later confirmed by Putin's spokesman Dmitri Peskov, who confirmed Erdogan's phone calls.

The two presidents, however, at least according to Erdogan, would not have spoken, since Putin did not answer the phone calls from the Turkish president who, on the sidelines of the opening of the climate summit, would have again requested a meeting with Putin for next Monday in Paris , according to a statement from the Kremlin.

Meanwhile Turkey has suspended flights over Syria as part of the military offensive against ISIS by the US-led coalition, in agreement with Moscow. Russia, on the other hand, in response to the downing of the jet, has decided to suspend indefinitely its participation in the naval exercises on the Black Sea in which the Turkish Navy also participates.

Meanwhile, hard times are ahead for the Turkish enterprises active in Russia. The police and the various control bodies, in fact, have launched very strict checks against these companies, going so far as, in some cases, to cut off the supplies of goods from Turkey and forcing some of these companies to suspend their activity.
