
Ivass: here is the video game that makes insurance companies understand

In the second edition of the Insurance Education Day, President Franco takes stock of how Covid19 has changed the risks and therefore the impact on insurance: “It is necessary to strengthen crisis prevention and management. Public and private must work together"

Ivass: here is the video game that makes insurance companies understand

“In the twelve months since the first Insurance Education Day, held on October 9, 2019, the world around us has changed.” With these words the president of IVASS, Daniele Franco, introduced the second edition of the Insurance Education Day, which is evidently very different from that of a year ago and which presents something new to the public: the launch of the educational videogame “IN VIAGGIO. Watch out for the unexpected!". “The pandemic – continued Franco – from COVID-19 has invested all the areas in which the life of each of us takes place: from the individual sphere, to the family, to health, to school, to productive activities, to institutions. The impact was and still is very profound. In an unprecedented scenario, new needs, new fragilities and new forms of uncertainty have emerged".

Among these, certainly those related to health, but not only. For example, quotes the president of IVASS, “we met exposed to risks that were not previously evident or in any case not well understood. Think of those deriving from the sharp increase in the demand for intensive care (the risk of not being able to receive adequate care), from the effects of measures aimed at limiting infections (the risk of not being able to carry out one's work), from the reduction in mobility at a national level and between countries (the risk of not being able to travel for work, family reasons or tourism). More generally, the vulnerability profiles of the economic system in the face of catastrophic events have been confirmed. The lesson we can draw from this is that both prevention and crisis management capacity need to be strengthened: the public sector and the private sector must cooperate in both respects".

It therefore emerges from the event organized by Ivass an important potential role for the insurance industry, which it must offer to individuals and businesses forms of insurance that support emergency public intervention and make it possible to respond to the specific needs of each subject. It is also up to the insurance industry, according to Franco, “to offer products aimed at addressing remote risks and with characteristics that are sometimes difficult to define with precision ex ante, but with very serious consequences. We need insurance coverage to protect the income of families and businesses that can guarantee rapid intervention and initial support for a large number of beneficiaries. In general, insurance education is crucial to making individuals and businesses more aware the risks they run and the tools they can activate to manage them”.

To this end, Ivass has also launched an innovative product that can certainly reach everyone, starting with the youngest: a video game. The name is "TRAVELLING. Watch out for the unexpected!" and is available on the Ivass website. It is a sort of role-playing game, in which the user identifies himself with the fate of a protagonist called to make various choices of conduct, about risky activities and in particular about driving a car. But not only. The theme of the game is in fact that of travel, with all the unexpected events associated with it.
