Important news on the front ofHigh speed in Italy: Italo lands on the Milan-Venice line, until now entirely controlled by the competitor Trenitalia.
Italo bought twelve new trains from seven carriages each, with one maximum speed of 250 km / h, which will be ready within a year, for a total cost of 1,2 billion.
In January 2018, the railway group controlled by Nuovo Trasporto Viaggiatori will have a total of 37 trains and about five thousand more seats. There Trenitalia-Italo "war" will expand to a new front; recently the company of Montezemolo & co. landed in Brescia. The step for Venice, and eventually for Trieste, seems natural.
This would cover all of Northern Italy: Turin – Milan – Brescia – Venice – Trieste, a corridor parallel to the A4 motorway, a route with enormous economic and commercial potential.
The order for the new trains will also have a positive impact on employment, with the hiring of 150 people by Italo in 2017. The high-speed sector is in continuous growth and is one of the few that does not experience crises; with these new 12 trains Italo will also increase the journeys between Milan and Rome, bringing them to one every half hour.