
Italicum, clash in the Democratic Party as a test for the Quirinale. Renzi: "No to a party within a party"

The open clash between Renzi and the minority of the Democratic Party in the assembly of senators ("No to a party within a party") in view of the resumption of voting on the Italicum leaves no doubt that the battle in Palazzo Madama over the electoral law is the litmus test of the balance of power for the election of the new Head of State

Italicum, clash in the Democratic Party as a test for the Quirinale. Renzi: "No to a party within a party"

Thirty senators from the Democratic Party's minority swear battle against the Italicum and are now ready to vote against it, even at the cost of bringing down the Renzi government on the eve of the election of the new Head of State, if the leaders remain blocked. It is the threat of the Democratic Party minority in the Senate, led by Senator Gotor, to Prime Minister Renzi who has said he is willing to discuss the reasons for the minority but on condition that the approval of the reform is speeded up and that "a party in the party” within the Democratic Party.

Renzi has given the minority 24 hours to find a common line that paves the way for the approval of the new electoral law in the Senate but so far his overtures have not been accepted by the minority of the Democratic Party who intend to seek a showdown in view of the battle for the Quirinal. “They want to stab me in the back,” she commented.

However, the prime minister is convinced that the dissident fringe will shrink when all is said and done but the risk of everything blowing up (not only Italicum but also the Government) on the eve of a decisive appointment such as the election of the new Head of State is very high.

If the Pd minority manages to win it is clear that the snipers would feel encouraged to raise the bar in view of the battle of the Quirinale with the danger that the times of the legislature will be greatly shortened.

In the next few hours we will understand who are the winners and who are the losers. In fifteen days Renzi will play everything.

Today, meanwhile, Renzi will see Silvio Berlusconi again in view of the start of the presidential elections. Yesterday the leader of Forza Italia met with Angelino Alfano of Ncd to try to join forces and support a moderate candidate for the Quirinale. However, Renzi has declared that, at the right moment, he will make a name that can unite everyone.

In the last few hours, the prices of Senator Anna Finocchiaro of the Democratic Party have risen but she is not the only candidate for Colle and it is not yet clear whether Bersani - who will see Renzi this week - wants to apply directly or not.
