
Italicum, Renzi summons the Democratic Party: "Enough discussions, we close in May"

According to the Premier, it would be "a sensational mistake to reopen the discussion now" – "I place political trust in Italicum, we'll see about that in the Chamber" – "No to blackmail: blocking the electoral law now would be a blow to the government's credibility".

Italicum, Renzi summons the Democratic Party: "Enough discussions, we close in May"

“I think it is physiological that we close the discussion on the electoral law, that there is a vote on a document, that the parliamentary group of the Chamber meets after Easter so that it can discuss the electoral law, but I think that by April 27 we must be in the Chamber and that in May we must put an end to this discussion " . Prime Minister Matteo Renzi said this, speaking at the direction of the Democratic Party this afternoon, a real showdown within the party on the electoral law.

"I consider it a glaring mistake to reopen the discussion now: there is the feeling that Italy has moved, that we have got back on track, and blocking the electoral law now would be a blow to this credibility – he continued -. In the Pd there is a minority part which is for blackmail, which says either it's done like this or there's a secret ballot. I tell D'Attorre: I won't even take this blackmail into consideration because in this year we have made progress on the Italicum and the Democratic Party is not a party in which they say I'll send you in with a secret ballot”. 

The Premier then expressed a wish: “May this be the last direction in which we discuss the Italicum, then it is appropriate that the group in the Chamber has the opportunity to meet and decide on the matter if it deems it appropriate, we will share the choice with the group. Today I ask for a vote on this reform as a ratification of what we have done and as a mandate for the coming months. I ask for a vote for the quality and effectiveness of the governments to come but also for the dignity of this government. The model of reforms that we propose does not see dictatorship or 'democracy', rather it is a model of democracy that decides”. 

The key point of the reform, explained Renzi, “is the ballot, because it allows you to have a winner or not. On the electoral law we play the trust. I've read someone who said that you can't trust the electoral law. We'll talk about it among ourselves. Let me now put the trust within us." 
