
Italicum, Renzi-Berlusconi meeting: closer agreement on new thresholds, still caution on preferences

From today's meeting between Silvio Berlusconi and Matteo Renzi on the new electoral law, the Italicum, "a broad will to proceed" with a revision of the thresholds emerged, while "I would be more cautious on preferences", said the deputy secretary of the Democratic Party Lorenzo Guerini.

Italicum, Renzi-Berlusconi meeting: closer agreement on new thresholds, still caution on preferences

This morning's meeting at Palazzo Chigi between Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and Forza Italia leader Silvio Berlusconi lasted almost three hours. At the center of the conversation, the changes to be made to the Italicum, the new electoral law already approved in first reading in the Chamber and about to start the process in the Senate.

The former Knight was accompanied by Gianni Letta and Denis Verdini. Alongside Renzi, however, was the deputy secretary of the Democratic Party, Lorenzo Guerini, who spoke of a “positive encounter: there is the will to proceed along the path of reforms. The changes to the Italicum will be the subject of a broad discussion”.

From today's discussion, "a broad will to proceed" with a revision of the thresholds emerged, while "I would be more cautious about preferences - added Guerini - We are continuing with the established system and there may be changes to that system within the scope of a confrontation open to all political forces”.

In short, the pact of the Nazarene holds, but there is still no new agreement on the most controversial points of the new law. So far, the changes that have been most discussed are three: reduction of the thresholds to 4%, raising the threshold of the majority bonus to 40% and possible introduction, albeit partial, of preferences.
