
Italicum, President Mattarella signed the law

The tormented chapter of the electoral law closes: as expected, the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, yesterday signed the Italicum which now enters the Official Gazette - The Quirinale had received the text two days ago after the definitive approval of Parliament – In the political elections, the Italicum will be voted in the Chamber

Italicum, President Mattarella signed the law

Green light from the Quirinale to the Italicum. As was expected, the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, signed the text of the new electoral law which is now entering the Official Gazette and which he had received two days ago after the final approval by Parliament.

This does not rule out the possibility that in the future the Constitutional Court will be called upon to rule on the adequacy of the new law or that a referendum may be held, but one thing is now certain: in the next political elections, we will vote with the Italicum. At least for the Chamber of Deputies. For the Senate, however, everything depends on the approval or otherwise of the constitutional reform still under discussion: if it is approved as it stands, the Senate will no longer be elective, but if it does not pass, however, it will vote with the ultra-proportional Consultellum.
