
Italicum, also Forza Italia on the Aventine

After the doubts of M5S and the choice of Sel, Brunetta announces that FI will not vote for Italicum in the commission. Civic choice instead changes his mind and decides to stay. Tensions after the replacement of 10 members of the Pd minority in the Constitutional Affairs commission in Montecitorio

Italicum, also Forza Italia on the Aventine

«We will declare the unacceptability of the position of the Democratic Party, which evidently wants to eliminate any debate in any sense. And therefore, in the face of their attitude, we will leave the Democratic Party all the responsibility for approving the armored Italicum in the Commission, to the dishonor of the Democratic Party itself ». These are the words of Renato Brunetta, with which the leader of Forza Italia in the Chamber announces that his party will not vote for Italicum in commission. On the wheel yes also associates Sel through a tweet from the group leader Arturo Scotto.

Fi's decision follows the one already manifested by M5S who yesterday threatened the Aventino after the turnover in the Pd house. Matteo Renzi he chose the hard line to get the approval of the Italicum in the courtroom on 27 April. In implementation of the decisions taken a few days ago by the Pd assembly, in fact, yesterday the presidency of the Constitutional Affairs commission of Montecitorio proceeded with the replacement of 10 minority Pd members: from Luigi Bersani to Rosy Bindi to the former president Gianni Cuperlo. A temporary replacement and valid only for the approval of the Italicum. In the earthquake that followed, Civic Choice which seemed tempted by Aventine positions seems instead to retrace its steps: it will remain in the commission to defend its amendments.

The attitude of the oppositions is "instrumental", he replies for the Democratic Party with the deputy secretary Lorenzo Guerini. “I'm surprised – he says – I don't understand the rationale. It seems to me that there is a willingness to exploit, to escape confrontation and to derive some political benefit from this passage".
