
Italian Chef Academy focuses on sustainability and green ethics for the new generations

In the renewed teaching plan, the Academy is committed to training future chefs who are more responsible and aware of the reuse of food waste, respect for the environment, supply relationships with a short supply chain, and the fight against food waste. The philosophy of Massimo Bottura

Italian Chef Academy focuses on sustainability and green ethics for the new generations

Italian Chef Academy, the Academy of Culinary Arts born over 10 years ago at Villa Blumenstihl in Rome with the aim of disseminating high-level food and wine science by addressing not only professionals, but also enthusiasts of the sector who aspire to transform their aspirations in a profession, takes the path of sustainability and green ethics in its programs to increase awareness of sustainability in the food sector.

In the renewed teaching plan, the Academy is committed to training more responsible and aware future chefs.

In fact, some of the best professionals in the Italian and international food and wine sector have been selected for the training project, directing teaching towards raising awareness of the reuse of food waste, respect for the environment, supply relationships with a short supply chain, fight against food waste following the slogan "We Love Food No Waste", up to the correct management of waste - which began with the transition to "Plastic Free" -, the importance of energy impact and last but not least the work ethic.

To guarantee its students the possibility of becoming true professionals in the sector, it has studied high-level programs that offer aspiring chefs an integrated and complete training that teaches them not only the simple execution of a dish, but also to understand it: knowing where it comes from of foods, their chemical composition, the importance of quality raw materials and the health aspect, the right perception of the taste of food, the most advanced techniques and the wisdom of traditions. The training courses include Italian and international internships in restaurants and luxury hotels included in the best guides.

In particular, the educational program refers to the values ​​represented by the green stars of the Michelin guide. As chef Massimo Bottura – partner in the Academy's training internships – states, "Small gestures, added to those of others, can achieve great results": change starts from our daily actions, and as a training center we believe we have to be the starting point and reference for all those who aspire to become the chefs of the future.

Awareness therefore becomes the fundamental value for getting in touch with reality, for starting to approach positive habits, which can lead kids to worry about a cleaner, more livable world. This philosophy, combined with the quality of the educational program and the professionalism of the teachers, has for years allowed the Italian Chef Academy to obtain an important response in the world of work: "With over 7000 chefs and pastry chefs trained over the years (of which 15% come from world and carries out the course with simultaneous translation) an important percentage is hired by large companies or important restaurant realities" confirms the director Galdi, who adds "given the great difficulties generated in the last period by an unexpected event such as the global pandemic, Italian Chef Academy has put in place a "Restart Bonus" worth € 1.000 dedicated to those who find themselves in conditions of work and economic difficulty and discomfort". The academy also offers the possibility of zero-interest installments at no cost to those who request it
