
Italy-Libya, the post-Gaddafi period begins

Unfrozen funds for 350 million to be allocated to the emergency. Already on Monday, the signing of the first agreements between ENI and the Transitional National Council

Italy-Libya, the post-Gaddafi period begins

The Italian government and the Libyan transitional government have decided to "create an agreement committee": this is what Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi said during a joint press conference with the prime minister of the Libyan Transitional National Council Mahmud Jibril. The Italian government will unfreeze a first tranche of 350 million euros of Libyan funds towards the "New Libya" with which it will be possible to start essential activities such as the collection of weapons on the street and the restart of some essential services for citizens". This was stated by Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and CNT leader Mahmoud Jibril. On the part of Libya's transitional government, Berlusconi said, there will be no "vengeful attitude towards the losers." "He confirmed to me - said the president - what he had said on the phone, namely the will to include all the components of the political forces and society in the next government and the firm determination to avoid any vindictive attitude towards the losers". Berlusconi said that "probably already on Monday" an agreement will be signed in Benghazi between ENI and the Libyan Transitional National Council which provides, among other things, for "the possibility of anticipating large quantities of gas and petrol" for the needs of the local population . The agreement, for the Italian company, will be signed by CEO Paolo Scaroni present today at the summit with the prime minister of the NTC, Mahmud Jibril.
