
Istat: a little more women in Parliament and in listed companies

According to an Istat report, women are increasing (albeit slightly) in Parliament and in society. The gender difference is still very high in the field of housework, but it is improving with regard to the use of the Internet.

Istat: a little more women in Parliament and in listed companies

According to the “Sustainable Development Goals Report 2019: Statistical information for the 2030 agenda in Italy" of theIstat are increase, even if just a little, women in Parliament, in listed companies And in the regional councils and in decision-making bodies.

There are still a lot of female presences basse: A little bit more than one third in Parliament and in companies listed on the stock exchange, a fifth in regional councils e less than a fifth in decision-making bodies (Privacy Authority, Agcom, Competition and Market Authority, Constitutional Court, Superior Council of the Judiciary, Ambassadors, Consob).

The gender difference for the housework and care unpaid remains wide although down from the 2013/2014. In those years our gap was the highest in Europe. The amount of time women dedicate to these activities each day is 2,6 times higher compared to that of men.

Between 2004 and 2015 the rate of employment of women with preschool children it was going quite well positive. In the last three years it has worsened, particularly in the regions of Noon.

The gender gap inuse of the Internet is very decreased between 2010 and 2018: women among the 38 and 59 years they recovered much of the disadvantage. Last year it was found that the differences up to 44 years are nothingand at our 45 onwards they begin to have a growing trend until you reach the higher value between 65 and 74 years.
