
Istat: almost half of Italians commute between home and workplace or study

48,6% of the Italian population is a commuter. Who for study who for work, almost half of Italians commute from home to work or study. The figure is up by as much as 2,1 million. Two-thirds of commuters are for work, the remainder travel to school or university.

Istat: almost half of Italians commute between home and workplace or study

Almost half of the Italian population commutes from home to work or to university or school. This was revealed by Istat in the fifteenth census on travel for work or study by Italians. Around two-thirds of all commuters commute for work, while the remaining one-third commute to get to university or school. The provinces hosting the most commuters are those of Bolzano (57%), Trento (56,2%), Lombardy (54,1%), Veneto (53,6%), Emilia-Romagna (53,1%) and Valle of Aosta (52,7%).

Of all commutes, commute to work is the longest. In fact, 74% of students move within the same municipality, while 36,7% of workers find themselves moving within a provincial area more often. The relationship between the percentages remains broadly similar when considering larger displacements involving regional or even regional transfers.

Mobility times have risen significantly, increasing the share of those who take between 16 and 30 minutes to reach their place of work or study - from 24,8% in 2001 to 26,4% in 2011. the percentage of those who take 45 minutes or more, from 8% in 2001 to 10,7% in 2011. On the other hand, the number of those who take up to a quarter of an hour is decreasing: in 2001 it was 58,7% while 55,1% in 2011. 

The means of transport most used by commuters is the car. The majority of those who commute back and forth between home and work/university, 44,9% in fact use the car as a driver, while 15,9% as a passenger. Public transport such as bus, train, subway or bus is used by 13,4% of commuters. On the other hand, two wheels are chosen by 6,8%, divided into those who use motorcycles or scooters, 3,5%, and those who use bicycles, 3,3%.

Public transport is used more by women than by men: the percentages are respectively 6,3% against 3,1%. Almost 6% of men go to work or university/school on a scooter or motorcycle, a means used by women for only 2% of them, who instead prefer the bicycle (4,1% account for 3,5% of men ).

Finally, there is a decrease in those who use motorized two-wheelers, which in 2001 were 4,7% (3,5% in 2011). The number of people who choose to walk to work or study is also decreasing, down from 2001% in 16,9. An increase is registered by the number of those who use public transport and the car as a passenger. Those who opt for the bicycle also increased from 2,9% in 2001 to 3,3% in 2011. 
