
Istat: 2011 South GDP collapses to 2000 levels

In 2011, the North-East recorded the best result in terms of GDP variation in volume (+1,1%), followed by the North-West (+0,6%) and the Center (+0,2%) – Molise, Sicily and Campania bringing up the rear of Italy in 2011.

Istat: 2011 South GDP collapses to 2000 levels

The recession in Italy does not have the same face everywhere. Last year, GDP grew in the North, remained stable in the Center and collapsed to 2000 levels in the South. This is what emerges from the Istat report on the regional economic accounts for the years 1995-2011.

In particular, in 2011 the North-East recorded the best result in terms of GDP change in volume (+1,1%), followed by the North-West (+0,6%) and the Center (+0,2, 0,3%). The only division that has suffered a decrease in GDP compared to the previous year is the South (-1,9%). The regions at the bottom of the ranking are Molise (-1,3%), Sicily (-0,8%) and Campania (-XNUMX%). 

Between 2007 and 2011, GDP decreased in all areas of the country. For the Centre-North, the average annual reduction was around 1%, while the contraction appears more marked in the South (-1,7%), where the worst results once again concern Molise (-3,0% ) and Campania (-2,2%). 

In the North, Piedmont has the most negative performance (-1,5%). Only in the autonomous province of Bolzano did the GDP in volume return to pre-crisis levels in 2011 (2007), while in the rest of the country the recovery was only partial: for the North the 2011 level is similar to that of 2005, for the Center to that of 2004 and for the South it fell to that of 2000.

In 2011, the highest value of GDP per inhabitant was recorded in the North-West, with 31.452 euros. Followed by the North-East, with 30.847 euros, and the Centre, with 28.240 euros. The GDP per inhabitant in the South, equal to 17.689 euros, is 43,8% lower than that of the North-West and 32% lower than the national average.

The ranking of regions for 2011 sees the Autonomous Province of Bolzano in first place, with a GDP per inhabitant of over 36.600 euros, and Campania in last place, with just over 16.600 euros.
