
iShares (BlackRock group), agreement with Banca di Cambiano and Banca di Pisa e Fornacette

The company of the US asset management group, specialized in ETFs, has announced the collaboration with Banca di Cambiano and Banca di Pisa e Fornacette to develop innovative asset management systems in iShares ETFs.

iShares (BlackRock group), agreement with Banca di Cambiano and Banca di Pisa e Fornacette

iShares, a BlackRock group company specializing in ETFs announces collaboration with Banca di Cambiano and Banca di Pisa e Fornacette to develop innovative asset management systems in iShares ETFs, investment instruments that are characterized by high flexibility, transparency and ease of use. Banca di Cambiano, the Tuscan leader among the Bccs, and Banca di Pisa and Fornacette will make available at their branches and, with the support of their operators, the new digital asset management respectively called "Cambiano GP Plus" and "IB Navigator Plus" .

The managements make use of the support of some strategic partners, in particular, of the platform developed with Invest Bank for the definition of portfolios, the ability to search for BlackRock, a leader in asset management, and iShares ETF efficiency. By embracing the current technological challenge, these cooperative credit institutions respond to customers' needs for yields and efficient solutions by offering cutting-edge services that rapidly translate investment choices and decisions into dynamic services for the creation and portfolio management.

“Banca di Cambiano has always been particularly careful in proposing transparent and secure forms of investment, as our customers are well aware. Collaborating with iShares and Invest Banca for this package of GPMs managed with iShares ETFs – a company that excels not only in Italy, but in the world – confirms the attention to our customers, to whom we offer products with the highest reputation and, in this case , of excellence like GP Plus”, he declared Francesco Bosio, General Manager of Banca di Cambiano. “IB Navigator also allows the small saver to access investment advice at a fraction of the cost that would be paid through traditional channels – he says Gianluca Marini Deputy General Manager of Banca di Pisa and Fornacette – Savers can take advantage of undoubted added value thanks to the periodic asset allocation rebalancing system offered by Invest Banca and the efficiency that characterizes iShares ETFs”.

“It is with great pleasure that we announce this collaboration within the “Robo for advisors” systems – he comments Emanuele Bellingeri, responsible for Italy of iShares – which confirm the will of the two cooperative credit institutions to position themselves at the forefront in Europe in the offer of efficient and innovative investment solutions, able to combine traditional strategies in an increasingly direct way with new technologies and methods of interaction with customers. Innovation plays an increasingly fundamental role in the offer of investment solutions and it is important and also exemplary to observe that local banking institutions decide to open up to digital channels and functionalities".
