Twenty days after the Casamicciola tragedy in Ischia, the weather alert remains. The red zone is still occupied by emergency vehicles and manned by the police. It will be a very sad Christmas for hundreds of displaced people staying in hotels or with relatives. It was voted on in the Senate Wednesday an agenda that puts the structure of "Safe Italy" back on its feet of the Renzi government. The agenda could become an amendment to the 2023 budget law. We'll see, these are decisive hours. In the meantime, the Chamber is discussing the conversion into law of the decree on aid for the affected population.
Casamicciola landslide in Ischia: what geologists ask
La tragedy has re-proposed to the attention of the institutions the establishment of Territorial Presidiai to prevent risks. It is one of the main activities to be put in place for a widespread surveillance action. Municipalities - this too has been understood - need to be helped by professionals and expert people. In the parliamentary process, the President of the Geology Italian Francesco Viola was heard by the House Environment Committee. A hearing that highlighted (once again) how much the Italian territory needs investments and monitoring. This is why it is necessary to strengthen the system of Regions and local authorities. “Compared to a few years ago, the difficulties encountered in implementing the interventions are more organizational than financial” Violo explained. Often the resources there are, they are not spent because they are not connected to projects that can be started, but based on project hypotheses which are then disregarded, both due to changes in political direction and due to authorization difficulties.
Ischia: alert is always high, Minister for Civil Protection intervenes
Il Minister for Civil Protection in Musumeci committed to a speedy approval of the climate plan blocked by bureaucracy for years. In addition to that tool that allows us to understand the effects of climate change on a fragile country, it is important to work on multi-year plans with the use of resources for structural works. According to geologists there is a need for landslide landslide works and interventions to avoid what happened in Ischia. We had to tear down the abusive houses, they say. But in the number monstre of 23 applications for amnesty there is everything, not just houses built without building permits.
Another useful tool is the fdigital file of constructions. If adopted, it can simplify and speed up the action of local authorities who have to grant or block construction. It is a document that guarantees citizens that they must know whether they live in safe buildings or not. “We know how important knowledge of the territory is to undertake, even with innovative monitoring tools the most appropriate actions for prevention and, in particular, to the protection of human life” concluded Violo. But it is also necessary to intervene without delay on updating the Hydrogeological and Flood Management Plans at the local level. In order not to remain prisoners of dribbles of responsibility.