
Ipo Poste Italiane: from today 30% to retail

A 5% bonus share is also on the way for those who will keep the securities in their portfolio uninterruptedly for a year – Again in the context of the retail share, 14,9 million shares are reserved for group employees.

Ipo Poste Italiane: from today 30% to retail

This morning the sale of the shares of Poste Italiane in view of the landing on the Stock Exchange, expected for Tuesday 27 October. The Ministry of Economy is putting it up for sale 453 million shares, equal to 34,7% of the capitalwhich can go up up to 38,2% in case of exercise of the green shoe. 

Il 30% of the global offer is destined for retail, to which one will also be destined 5% bonus share for those who will keep the securities in their portfolio uninterruptedly for one year. 

Still within the retail quota, 14,9 million shares are reserved for group employees: each will be guaranteed two minimum lots, equal to 10 shares, and it is possible to request the use of the severance indemnity.

The rest 70% of the shares offered is intended for institutional investors.

Il price will be understood in a price range between 6 and 7,5 euros per share for a value of the company set between a non-binding minimum of 7,837 billion and up to 9,796 billion. A maximum of 3,7 billion euros will go to the State.

The model chosen for the privatisation, reads a note, "will ensure the presence of a widespread shareholder structure and the stability of the shareholding structure, also taking into account the public utility service that Poste Italiane performs and the investment, development and digital innovation plans that the company started”. 
