
IPhone5, today (perhaps) the official presentation. The rumors of the web

At 19 Italian time the new Apple jewel should be unveiled. According to the WSJ, the production will be offered exclusively to Sprint Wireless thanks to a 20 billion dollar agreement. Probable also the presentation of the iPhone 4S, low-cost version of the latest product. Doubts about the presence of Steve Jobs

IPhone5, today (perhaps) the official presentation. The rumors of the web

There are very few hours left for the presentation (perhaps) of the new iPhone5. The Wall Street Journal reported that the production of Apple iPhone 5 will be offered exclusively by SprintWireless in the United States. This does not exclude that even in Italy, at first, it can only be sold in a locked version, i.e. through a subscription with a mobile operator.

The deal cost Sprint a ton of 20 billion dollars, around 30 billion euros, for a profit which, according to the experts, should only materialize in 2014. All in all, a good bet.

Also according to the WSJ, Sprint Wireless will receive the iPhone 5 equipped with WiFi connectivity on its shelves, while its network competitors AT&T and Verizon Wireless will have to make do with the iPhone 4S (this should also be presented today).

Meanwhile, the event is approaching, even if there is no lack of indiscretions and above all perplexities. First of all, according to the tam tam of the network, it is said that the iPhone 5 will not be presented but it is probable that its new features will be listed: a softer design, more rounded corners, 64 GB of memory, 8 megapixel camera, the new iOS 5 operating system, a better implementation of voice commands, a slightly larger screen large, a thinner “body”.

Instead, the presentation of the iPhone 4S, the low-cost version of the iPhone4, seems more probable. While the usual doubts circulate regarding the possible appearance of Steve Jobs. At 19, Italian time, we will know more..

Read the news on Wall Street Journal 
