
Invitalia: here is FactorYmpresa, the portal for becoming entrepreneurs

Curated by Invitalia, it is aimed at startuppers, students, the unemployed and anyone who wants to test their business idea by offering them a set of free services to encourage, support and guide them towards the various public and private facilitation instruments active throughout the national territory .

FactorYmpresa is online, the portal for those who want to become an entrepreneur.

Curated by Invitalia, it is aimed at startuppers, students, the unemployed and anyone who wants to test their business idea

How to plan the start of a new business? What are the strengths of an idea, what makes it better than others? What opportunities are there in Italy for those who want to set up on their own? FactorYmpresa was born to answer these questions and many others. It is a portal, managed by Invitalia, at the service of those who want to become an entrepreneur, with online self-learning courses and the testimonies of those who have succeeded.

FactorYmpresa is aimed at a vast audience of potential entrepreneurs, offering them a set of free services to encourage, support and guide them towards the various public and private facilitation instruments active throughout the national territory.

The portal provides information on entrepreneurship, online training on general and specific topics and the possibility of developing one's business idea in collaboration with others, thanks to the community of registered users who can collaborate with personal contributions. And again, a map of opportunities, an overview of services to support entrepreneurs (incubators, accelerators, coworking spaces, fablabs, etc.) and funding possibilities (loans, venture capital, business angels, crowdfunding platforms, etc. ) available in Italy.

FactorYmpresa is a project financed by the PON Enterprises and Competitiveness 2014/2020 with the aim of stimulating the growth of entrepreneurial culture in Italy, lowering the barriers to accessing business and supporting the launch of new entrepreneurial initiatives.
