
Investing in culture, tax relief from 19 to 100%

Deadline January 31 to communicate online the 2012 donations made in favor of culture - Investing in culture means investing in the economic and social growth of the country through a common action of public and private resources.

Investing in culture, tax relief from 19 to 100%

Charitable donations are cash donations in favor of the public sector or the non-profit private sector which, depending on the type of donor, may constitute tax deductible charges from income (companies) or charges deductible from income tax (individuals and entities non-commercial).

A very important contribution is made up of the donations made by businesses, individuals and non-commercial entities who decide to allocate part of their resources to art.

“The Republic promotes the development of culture and scientific and technical research. It protects and enhances the historical and artistic heritage of the nation". (Article 9 of the Constitution of the Italian Republic)

Businesses are eligible for 100% tax relief while natural persons and non-commercial entities can benefit from tax relief at 19%

How to make donations in favor of culture?

Read the information on how to obtain tax benefits linked to donations for cultural heritage and entertainment.


Individuals and non-commercial entities.

Attachments: Less taxes for those who invest in culture
