
Invalsi 2023: one in two young people do not understand what they are reading. The skills in Italian and mathematics worsen

Only 51% of high school graduates have no reading comprehension difficulties. Italian and mathematics "black beasts" of young people. The gap between North and South is growing. The data of the report are valid for 2023

Invalsi 2023: one in two young people do not understand what they are reading. The skills in Italian and mathematics worsen

La half of the youth at the end of high school he has difficulty in reading comprehension, with only 51% of students reaching the basic level, a decrease of 1% compared to the previous year. One out of two students graduates from high school with inadequate skills in Italian and mathematics. The learning gap between the north and south of the country is also growing. This is what emerges from Invalsi Report 2023 presented during the day by the National Institute for the Evaluation of the Education and Training System (Invalsi).

The 2023 Invalid numbers

The Invalsi tests of this year have involved over 12.000 schools and over 1 million primary school students (Class II and Class V), approximately 570.000 lower secondary school students (Class III) and over 1 million upper secondary school students.

The surveys were carried out throughout the national territory with a very high participation. Despite the efforts of schools to ensure that the tests are carried out, the picture that emerges highlights theimpact of the pandemic on learning of Italian students.

Invalsi 2023: primary school shows signs of weakening

I primary school results over time they show a weakening of student performance in all disciplines and in both classes examined (second and fifth). In both grades of primary school, the results in Italian and mathematics are lower than in 2019 and 2021, but similar to those in 2022. In the fifth grade, the results in 2023 are lower than in previous years, including 2022, in all disciplines, including English in both reading and listening.

They are observed slight territorial differences already from the second grade, more evident in the fifth grade and particularly significant for mathematics and English (listening). One notices a persistent difference in results between schools and classes, mostly accentuated in the regions of Noon, with negative effects on subsequent years.

Invalsi 2023: No improvement in high school

In high school there were no significant improvements in student achievement. The results in Italian and mathematics do not show a further decline compared to the period between 2019 and 2021, but a decisive trend reversal has not yet been recorded. On the other hand, the results of English (both listening and reading) improve, but the territorial differences remain very evident.

In Italian taste, only 51% of students have reached at least the basic level, while 49% have not reached this level. In 2019 the percentage was 64%. The gap between North and South is 23 percentage points. In mathematics, 50% of students have reached the basic level, with no improvement compared to 2022. The gap between the regions of the country is 31 percentage points, although a slight progress can be observed in the South and Islands regions. In English, 54% of students achieved level B2 in the reading test, while 41% achieved level B2 in the listening test. Improvements have been recorded compared to 2022 and 2019.

The problem of early school leaving

The pandemic has expanded the school dropout problem, both among students who drop out of school and among those who complete their studies without acquiring the necessary basic skills.

This form of implicit early school leaving is on the rise, reaching 9,8% in 2021. The 2023 data show a significant drop, settling at 8,7%. If these trends continue, the proportion of young people leaving education early could approachobjective set by the Pnrr by the end of 2025 (10,2%). Particular attention should be given to this issue to ensure better prospects for inclusion in society for all students.
