
Inulin, the supplement that is very good for companies, less so for consumers

On the internet and in the media, it is attributed remarkable beneficial properties for the human body. But the European Food Safety Authority warns against nutritional "claims". Much more effective, and cheaper, to eat a plate of fiber-rich chicory. The supplement market in Italy is constantly growing, with multinational budgets: 3,6 billion euros

Inulin, the supplement that is very good for companies, less so for consumers

For some time now there has been a lot of talk about inulin. On websites, in specialized magazines, in the media in general. One fact for all: if you type the word Inulin su Google has 1 million 650 thousand results. Obviously, such interest also corresponds to a strong offer on the supplement market, which is now a world-class business. Mostly some are praised beneficial properties that inulin would seem to bring, including promoting the well-being of the intestinal bacterial floraee the prebiotic-like action for our intestines. Let's try to describe this carbohydrate polymer. Belonging to the category of fibers (specifically among soluble fibers) it is therefore a carbohydrate, not digestible and not assimilable. Once taken, our body degrades it through an enzyme, inulase.

Once degraded, fructose is produced, therefore inulin belongs to the category of FOS (fructo-oligo-saccharides). It is very present especially in tubers, such as Jerusalem artichoke, a root very similar to potatoes with an aftertaste of artichoke and cabbage. It is also present in chicory and truffles, asparagus, onions, cabbage, artichokes, garlic and chicory.

Unfortunately, all the benefits praised in the media and on the web are not scientifically confirmed. EFSA 1 (European Food Safety Authority) was forced to reject these nutritional "claims" due to lack of scientific evidence sufficient. Moreover, they have also been rejected the second rumors, that the inulin extracted from chicory would have anti-cholesterolemic properties and that it would improve calcium absorption.

Certainly there is no scientific evidence regarding the support of the immune system, as with many other types of supplements, especially homeopathic. Remaining on the inulin theme, I would like to remind you that taking the freeze-dried (powdered) product in the form of a supplement is not the same as eating food products containing inulin.

Being fiber we should take advantage of this primary characteristic. Eating a dish of chicory or its extracts are two very different things. Any food containing fiber prolongs the sense of satiety and reduces the sense of hunger while eating, increases faecal mass and regulates intestinal function, in the case of inulin, increasing the frequency of bowel movements and helping in cases of chronic bowel movements. Specifically, inulin arrives intact in the intestine, and here begins its splitting (hydrolysis) into FOS (fructo-oligo-saccharides), including fructose. Here we have a promotion of some strains of intestinal bacteria, including bifidobacteria, while simultaneously decreasing harmful bacteria. Continuing its transit, fermentation takes place in the part of the intestine called the large intestine.

However, not everyone can consume inulin. Subjects suffering from irritable colon and/or colitis may not find benefit from taking inulin, but rather observe a worsening of symptoms. It is no coincidence that a food scheme called Low FODMAP has been designed for these subjects, in which certain categories of food, including FOS (the same ones to which inulin belongs). As far as vegetarian or vegan subjects are concerned, dietary supplementation is useless, since the abundance of vegetable products and fruit provides higher levels of fiber than other diets.

On the market we find different solutions of this product, of different brands and with different recommendations, some even conflicting with each other. The best thing would be to increase the intake of vegetables in the daily diet, to get the same benefits and perhaps use the true properties of the fibers to lose even a little weight, in cases where it is necessary or recommended.

Furthermore, the usefulness of consuming more vegetables brings benefits in cancer prophylaxis, especially in those that have seen a higher incidence in recent years, such as that of the colon and stomach.

To complete the speech and understand what goes on behind the food supplement marketre it is good to remember that based on a survey carried out by the market research company Ipsos on behalf of VitaVi, an Italian startup specializing in the online sale of supplements, in 2020 iConsumption of vitamins, minerals, immunostimulants and probiotics increased by 28%, for a total turnover estimated by Federsalus at about 3,6 billion euros.
