
Intesa Sanpaolo: on Webecome advice for distance learning

On the platform there is a section with free content for teachers

Intesa Sanpaolo: on Webecome advice for distance learning

Intesa Sanpaolo makes a series of remote teaching tools available to teachers. On the Webecome training platform, born from the collaboration between the Central Management of Development Policies and the Learning Academy of the Bank and Intesa Sanpaolo Formazione, there is a section dedicated to distance learning with free content aimed at teachers. To access, just register. 

“Intesa Sanpaolo is among the companies most engaged in smart learning, currently having 42 people enabled for flexible training from home of the 65 employed by the Group in Italy, a major effort to adapt to the changed situation”, underlines the bank in a note.

The section will contain training content focused on the management of a remote classroom with suggestions for the use of verbal and para-verbal language, how to take care of the framing and the environment, how to dose the times and encourage student involvement .

“Webecome is an Intesa Sanpaolo educational project that offers over 150 in-depth materials for 1.300 hours of training on three parallel courses, one for teachers, one for school administrators and one for parents. The project sees an active role of the regional school offices (USR) of the Ministry of Education, University and Research for the dissemination of schools. There are over 1100 schools registered on the platform”, concludes Intesa.
