
Intesa Sanpaolo renews the “Giovani e Lavoro” program: 15 new free training classes coming soon

Intesa Sanpaolo launches 15 new classes of the “Giovani e Lavoro” program, offering free courses to unemployed young people between the ages of 18 and 29. Since 2019, the program has trained over 4.500 participants with a hiring rate of over 80%

Intesa Sanpaolo renews the “Giovani e Lavoro” program: 15 new free training classes coming soon

Understanding St. Paul restart the “Youth and Work” program, which offers free training courses for young people unemployed between 18 and 29 years old. Since 2019, over 4.500 participants have benefited from this initiative, which is carried out in collaboration with the Generation Italy Foundation, created by McKinsey & Company.

Intesa's "Youth and Work" Program: Here's How It Works

The program includes the launch of 15 new training classes throughout Italy, for a total of 150 seats available Without costs for participants. The courses cover various sectors, including Hi-tech, precision mechanics and catering. The training is structured in courses that vary from 3 to 14 weeks, with lessons mainly online and some in-person activities.

The program has so far involved over 2.400 companies, facilitating contact between them and the young people trained. The hiring rate for participants who have completed the placement program is over 80%.

enter No previous experience or specific qualifications are required for the courses; only the passing an online test and a interview motivational. The program was initially activated in areas with high youth unemployment such as Naples, Rome and Milan and then extended to 15 Italian regions.


“At the heart of Intesa Sanpaolo's commitment to the growth of the territories – he explained Pierluigi Monceri, Regional Director Milan, Monza and Brianza Intesa Sanpaolo – there has always been attention to young people, to their right to education, training and access to the world of work and this is the context of the Giovani e Lavoro project which offers free training. In Lombardy we have started important synergies with trade associations and schools and since 2019 in the region 800 young people have already been trained with over 1.300 companies involved in the program. Furthermore, with “per Merito”, the unsecured honor loan, we want to offer students the opportunity to access qualified training with serenity for a concrete job opportunity by offering up to 75 thousand euros to attend universities in Italy or abroad, ITS and Masters. In the last 5 years, over 2.700 students in Lombardy have been using financing for over 50 million euros”.

Intesa Sanpaolo uses its internal resources and the Impact Learning team of trainers to offer this training. Furthermore, as a note explains, the program is part of the bank's ESG commitment, aimed at growth and supporting youth employment.
