
Intesa Sanpaolo and Caritas donate clothes to the needy

The initiative, in which the S-Nodi Promoting Committee also collaborates, provides for a partnership with the companies Calzedonia, Scarpe & Scarpe, Camomilla Italia and Primadonna, which donate around 72 items.

Intesa Sanpaolo and Caritas donate clothes to the needy

Distribute shoes and clothes to people in need. This is the aim of "Golden Links: bonds are gold", an initiative launched last year on an experimental basis by Intesa Sanpaolo in Piedmont and Veneto and now extended nationwide. The Bank, in collaboration with Caritas Italiana and the S-Nodi Promoting Committee, has promoted a partnership with the companies Calzedonia, Scarpe & Scarpe, Camomilla Italia and Primadonna, which donate around 72 items.

The garments - assembled in around 18 kits by people in fragile conditions and detainees - are distributed to needy families during get-togethers and in the Caritas solidarity emporiums in Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Piedmont, Puglia and Veneto.

“For some time now our group has adhered to numerous international standards - comments Mauro Micillo, head of the Corporate & Investment Banking Division of Intesa Sanpaolo and CEO of Banca IMI - including UNEP FI and the United Nations Global Compact, with the aim to integrate considerations of an environmental and social nature into the bank's core processes, committing itself to contrasting the growth of the poverty rate and the lack of protection towards the environment and social conditions”.
