
Intesa Sanpaolo, another 10 billion for the Italian economy

The bank led by Carlo Messina has decided to increase the limit of the Supply Chain Development Programme, targeting 2.500 Italian supply chains with very high potential for our country.

Intesa Sanpaolo, another 10 billion for the Italian economy

Intesa Sanpaolo's commitment to help the country restart does not stop. The latest news is of a project dedicated to enhancing the entire production chains, which, as is known, represent the strong point of the Italian productive fabric: it is thousands of SMEs throughout the national territory, which guarantee sustainable, inclusive development and above all high quality and know-how. As they say, the supply chains are the pivot of the so-called made in Italy, which supports the country's economy through exports. In fact, alongside the large groups there are thousands of suppliers, also Italian, who contribute to the creation of the high quality products that we know, and precisely constitute the production chain.

Precisely for this reason, Intesa Sanpaolo has decided to strengthen the Supply Chain Development Programme, targeting 2.500 Italian supply chains with very high potential for our country, belonging to all production sectors and distributed throughout the country, with related activities generated for approximately 300 billion euros: the new ceiling of 10 billion euro credit again. The Supply Chain Development Program was launched at the end of 2015 and involved around 700 supply chain leaders, with their 16.000 connected suppliers and a turnover of around 70 billion euro.

“Our new Supply Chain Program – he commented Stefano Barrese, head of the Banca dei Territori Division of Intesa Sanpaolo – is an element of further closeness to our customers, which number around one million businesses and micro-enterprises, of which 250 are SMEs. The versatility and experience of a large operator such as Intesa Sanpaolo is able to enhance, develop and modulate its offer in support of the entire supply chain up to guaranteeing the smallest supplier, as demonstrated by the 700 supply chain contracts supported during the Plan. Today more than ever, easily accessible, effective and immediate tools are needed by the bank and the 10 billion plafond that we allocate to the supply chains is the tangible sign of our faith in the compact recovery of the system".

“Supporting the real economy by leveraging the solidity of the great system 'champions' – he added Mauro Micillo, head of the Corporate and Investment Banking Division of Intesa Sanpaolo and Chief Executive Officer of Banca IMI – is the key to getting out of the crisis more quickly and starting the recovery. SMEs can derive numerous benefits from joining forces with the leaders, including the improvement of creditworthiness, faster access to finance, the sharing of large-scale industrial projects that include the entire supply chain. Leading companies have long understood the value and strategic scope of industrial chains and are ready to make major investments to support them. The recent operations concluded by Intesa Sanpaolo with two excellent companies such as FCA Italy and Gucci go in this direction, to the benefit of thousands of suppliers and sub-suppliers and hundreds of thousands of Italian workers, including direct and related employees".
