
Intesa Sanpaolo joins M'illumino di meno 2018

The awareness campaign on energy consumption and sustainable mobility was conceived by the Caterpillar broadcast of Rai Radio2, and will take place on Friday 23 February -

Intesa Sanpaolo participates in M'illumino di meno, the famous awareness campaign on energy consumption and sustainable mobility conceived by the Caterpillar broadcast of Rai Radio2, which takes place on Friday 23 February on the theme "The beauty of walking and going on foot" , an invitation to energy saving and personal movement.

Intesa Sanpaolo has participated in the day since 2010 and this year too is promoting various initiatives involving the Group. On 22 February at 15.30 pm, the Museo del Risparmio of Turin is organizing an awareness-raising event open to the public with advice and recommendations for reducing energy consumption at home and saving on bills (free participation, booking required by writing to

The approximately 15 signs of the Group's Italian branches will switch off from 19 to 23.30 pm, as well as the three museums of the Gallerie d'Italia in Milan, Naples and Vicenza will switch off the external lighting from 18 to 19.30 pm, inviting all visitors to join to the initiative. Customers too will be called to participate via the 7500 monitors at the ATMs and on receipts.

All 70 Intesa Sanpaolo employees will be invited to walk to work by counting their steps. Thanks to the Intesa Sanpaolo Workers' Association - ALI and the partnerships with TObike and BikeMI, the first 200 participants will be able to benefit from bike sharing advantages in Turin and Milan, in order to encourage the experience of sustainable online mobility also for the future with the largest mobility management program in the Group.
