
Intesa finances the sustainability of Fedon

The S-Loan loan will serve to achieve two objectives: to find solutions with low environmental impact for procurement and to guarantee gender equality in the company

Intesa finances the sustainability of Fedon

Intesa Sanpaolo granted a loan of 2 million euros, assisted by Sace, to Fedon to enhance the sustainable development plan of Alpago, a company involved in the production and marketing of eyeglass cases, eyewear accessories and leather goods.

The funding will help support the group it aims to build two objectives in terms of sustainability: find solutions with reduced environmental impact for procurement and adopt internal policies aimed at guaranteeing gender equality in the corporate context.

Going into details, it is about an S-Loan financing, structured to "accompany the efforts of companies in the direction of greater sustainability, is in this case guaranteed digitally and in a short time by Sace through Garanzia Italia, the instrument of the Liquidity Decree intended to support Italian companies during the Covid-19 emergency ”, explains Intesa Sanpaolo in a note, underlining how this type of transaction has as its main purpose that of supporting the medium-long term needs of SMEs, with dedicated facilitated conditions, thanks to the rate reductions that will be recognized upon achievement of the improvement in the ESG area. For each year in which the commitment is respected, a discount on the loan will be recognized in order to reward the results achieved.

“The promptness with which Intesa San Paolo intervened to support our development plan – he says Catherine DeBernardo, cfo of the Fedon group – clearly highlighted how the two realities agree in deeming environmental, social and corporate governance issues crucial for the future development of the business world. Our goal today is to offer a quality product, in full respect of the environment and people”. "The ability of companies to understand and govern their impact in environmental, governance and social terms is central to projecting them into an increasingly competitive market also in terms of sustainability", he underlined Francesca Nieddu, regional director of Veneto Est and Friuli Venezia Giulia Intesa Sanpaolo, adding that "Supporting companies that, like Fedon, focus on sustainable growth and ESG criteria is a satisfaction for us but also a responsibility, which allows us to be an active part in creating of collective value".
