
Intesa: 1 billion to Ubi customers for the circular economy

The bank led by Carlo Messina has increased the ceiling for the circular economy from 5 to 6 billion, allocating the additional billion to Ubi customers

Intesa: 1 billion to Ubi customers for the circular economy

Also the Ubi network is involved in the Intesa Sanpaolo ceiling for companies that intend to promote the development of the circular economy, a production model aimed at redesigning the way of doing business while safeguarding natural resources.

The 2018-2021 business plan of the bank led by Carlo Messina envisaged an endowment of 5 billion euros for the ceiling. Funds have now been increasedi, reaching a total figure of 6 billion. The additional billion was reserved for Ubi customers who will therefore be able to access, at advantageous conditions, loans dedicated to the realization of their projects in the circular economy.

Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center will evaluate the projects of UBI customers. The group company dedicated to the study of new business models, the acceleration of innovation in companies and the supervision of activities in the circular economy will base its assessment on the criteria defined with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, an organization which, worldwide, deals with the diffusion of the circular economy, of which Intesa Sanpaolo has been the first financial services global partner since 2015. 

“Since 2018 Intesa Sanpaolo has disbursed over one billion euro from the circular plafond, in support of 119 innovative projects”, underlines the bank in a note.
