
Artificial intelligence in the home: after Alexa, the washing machine with voice

The home is getting smarter: after the arrival of Amazon's Alexa, the small intelligent speaker that acts as a butler, here is the Axi washing machine by Hoover (Candy-Haier group) which suggests the best program for the user every time

Artificial intelligence in the home: after Alexa, the washing machine with voice

Sell ​​one smart home, connected, now means, on the real estate market, to offer an additional, new evaluation parameter, which will undoubtedly be considered with greater attention in the future but which already finds ... "amateurs".

After visiting various exhibitions dedicated to security and smart homes, and having obtained the opinion of real estate brokerage companies, it is possible to indicate the average increase of value of a residential home equipped with home automation. But with many distinctions. A connected or smart home must absolutely not be ultra-equipped with systems and gadgets. It is considered complicated to “use”. There is also a factor considered negative by high and medium spenders and that is the fear that there is something in the new house just bought the risk of privacy being violated. What the sophisticated buyer actually appreciates is the potential for comfort that digital and remote control technologies can offer.

According to statements by American experts from Nahb (the American home builders association) and European experts, buyers are asking for advanced systems of control of security, heating, air conditioning and flexible lighting. Set up in this way, smart content constitutes an added value because it certainly improves people's lives and even in their absence gives that plus of protection of the home and family which is essential. But there are also two important factors: energy saving and entertainment.

It's better with voice

Amazon's Alexa, il piccolo smart speaker butler- intermediary between the user and smart or IoT appliances and systems, is now also available in Italian. It is today the most widespread of these artificial intelligence devices (they learn the user's behavior and adapt to it). It makes it possible to transfer orders, actions to be carried out, checks to be carried out also via smartphone with questions and answers. And this simplifies the maneuvers in a remarkable proportion so there is almost no need to learn and follow very complicated "routes". Above all, there is no longer any need for displays, knobs, touch screens.

In the meantime, the appliances with voice like the Axi washing machine by Hoover (Candy-Haier Group) which is compatible with both Alexa and Google Home and, indeed, whoever buys one will have the Google Home Mini as a gift, the compact version of Google's smart speaker. And it is an entirely Artificial Intelligence machine as it assists the user and suggests the best program each time, up to identifying, based on the geolocation, whether the weather forecast will allow you to dry the laundry well or wait.
