
Inps, over 50: pension calculator online

INPS has activated the "My Pension" service for fifty-year-olds as well, after having already made it available for the younger ones. Now everyone can know the date on which the right to a pension accrues and calculate the amount of the social security allowance, planning their future better

Inps, over 50: pension calculator online

INPS has put the pension calculation service online for those over 50 too. The INPS "My pension" service, activated in recent months for workers under the age of 40 and then 50, has also been available for the elderly since XNUMX July. 

The "My pension" application allows you to simulate the pension that the worker, presumably, will receive at the end of the working activity. The simulation is based on current legislation, age, employment history, salary and income. Workers registered in the Employee Pension Fund, in the Special Management of Self-employed Workers and in the Separate Management can use the service. 

Inps, calculation of the pension: the recipients 

The INPS website has made available a new calculator to allow workers to calculate the amount of their pension. More calculators for younger workers have been released in recent months:

  • the calculator is available for workers under 1 from 40 May;
  • the calculator for workers under 1 is available from 50 June;
  • from 1 July the calculator is available for all workers over 50 years of age.
"From 2016 - specifies INPS - the service will also be available for civil servants and for workers with contributions paid to other Funds and Managements administered by INPS".

Inps, pension calculation: what is it for?

The INPS pension calculation service allows the worker to: 

– check the contributions that have been paid into INPS and, if necessary, access the contribution reporting service to notify INPS of the missing contribution periods;
– know the date on which the right to an old-age or early pension accrues;
– calculate the estimated amount of the pension "at constant currency", ie regardless of the trend in inflation;
– obtain an estimate of the relationship between the first pension installment and the last salary (replacement rate).
To compare different scenarios and make choices to build your future pension, the pension calculation service allows you to carry out different simulations, modifying:
– the salary for the current year and the annual percentage trend, to verify how different salaries can affect the amount of the future pension;
– the retirement date, to estimate the economic effect of a postponement;
– a combination of the two variables salary and retirement date.

Inps, pension calculation: how it works 

To access the online service for calculating your pension, you need to go to the INPS website and access the "My pension" service using your tax code and personal PIN. It is then necessary to follow the procedures to enter the required data and obtain the simulation of the pension. 

Inps, the calculation of the pension explained by Tito Boeri
INPS has also published a video in which President Boeri explains how the "My pension" service works. 
