
INPS, tax evasion boom: 141 billion

This was written by the Parliamentary Commission for control over the activities of compulsory social security institutions, which gave a favorable opinion on the Institute's budget, but also asked for clarifications on the "transparency and truthfulness of the accounting records"

INPS, tax evasion boom: 141 billion

INPS has instructed Equitalia to recover 141,1 billion euros of tax evasion, but of these 90 billion risk "never being collected". The Parliamentary Commission for control over the activities of compulsory social security institutions writes it in the Report on the INPS 2011-2014 final balance sheets and 2012-2015 estimates.

In the document, approved unanimously by the Commission, it is noted that "the provision for the coverage of non-collections tends to be insufficient over time compared to the growth trend of non-collections" and the Institute is invited to "clarify and define, already from the next budget, in terms of transparency and truthfulness of the accounting records, the entity and the impact on the budget liabilities of the total of the contribution revenues not yet formally declared uncollectable".

In particular, the Report reads that “currently against an effective load entrusted to Equitalia of 140 billion, 85 can be processed forcibly and about 55 are instead considered difficult to collect, even if formally they are not to be considered uncollectable. Of the 85 billion cited, 23 are in collection, 8 are deferred, therefore are paid in installments and 56 are in progress, of which 21 are in progress and 35 have been indicated as problematic”.

With regard to the "quantity of difficult to collect loans", estimated at 90 billion, the Commission highlights the "critical issues" deriving from their being "currently calculated as residual assets in the INPS balance sheet"

As for the causes of this situation, the document states that "they are innumerable, and naturally they have to do with aspects related to the economic crisis and the change in the economic landscape, which has been rather traumatic in recent years".

Moving on to the analysis of the economic and financial balance of INPS operations, the Parliamentary Commission recalls that "today the annual transfer of taxation covers about a quarter of the budget, ie about 100 billion". But "according to the projections and on the basis of the results of the Fornero reform, the parameters available and the fact that currently, above all due to the blockage of turnover, the weight that public employees exert on the pension burden is significant, it is calculated that the increase in general taxation can grow by ten hundred per year until at least 2023”. The Report considers "perhaps the panorama regarding workers in the world of dependent, private and self-employed employment, with the new forms of contract, to be slightly more optimistic".

Alongside the favorable opinion on the budget, the Parliamentary Commission offers some observations in the Report. "In the first place, the emphasis is placed on the need to overcome the separation between assistance and social security more completely", as well as "the issue of resolving the issue of governance and the internal competences of the Institute's organization" is re-proposed.

The Commission therefore "hopes for full integration between INPS, Inpdap and Enpals, for the purpose of characterizing INPS as an institution capable of providing services on the territory and fully performing its function of 'back office' and relations and services to the citizen"

Finally, the continuation of the "already good" spending review work, and increasing the efficiency of the collection work" and the dissolution of the "node of real estate assets, hoping that the technical table underway at the Ministry of the Economy can have a successful".
