
Inps: stable hiring +54% in 2015, but collapse in January

Thanks to the incentives, in 2015 permanent contracts (new hires plus transformations) grew by 54% compared to 2014 (+913.000 units) – In January 2016, however, 106.000 permanent contracts were activated, down by 39% compared in the same month of 2015.

Inps: stable hiring +54% in 2015, but collapse in January

In 2015 the total number of assumptions it increased by 13% on an annual basis reaching 5.527.000, with an increase of 655.000 units compared to 2014. This is what emerges from the update of the Observatory on job insecurity published on Wednesday by INPS.

In this set, permanent employment only (excluding transformations) grew by 5%, reaching 1.934.000 (+660.000 units compared to two years ago).

In the same time frame, transformations indefinitely temporary contracts and apprenticeship contracts increased from 401.000 to 654.000, with an increase of 253.000 units (+63%).

Overall, in 2015, permanent contracts (new hires plus transformations) grew by 54% compared to 2014 (+913.000 units).

Also last year, the balance between hires and terminations it was positive for 563.000 job positions (in 2014 it was negative for 47.000 positions).

"The three-year tax exemption introduced by the 2015 stability law – writes INPS – it has had a decisive effect on the increase in permanent employment relationships. Out of 2,5 million activations of permanent job positions (by adding the establishment of new relationships and the transformation of fixed-term relationships), over 1,5 million, equal to 62% of the total, are beneficiaries of the three-year contribution exemption ”.

Permanent contracts, in fact, soared at the end of 2015 (with companies that hastened so as not to miss the opportunity for tax relief), to then slow down violently in January 2016. In December, around 380.000 employment relationships were registered (activated or transformed) with tax relief, equal to almost four times the average of the previous 11 months (106.000).

In January, however, 106.000 permanent contracts were activated, down by 39% compared to the same month of 2015 (-70.000 units) and by 32% on January 2014 (-50.000). The monthly balance (activations minus terminations) is also in sharp decline: 112.000 against 166 in January 2015 and 144 in the same month of 2014. 

In all, there were 407.000 hirings, with a drop of 120.000 units (–23%) on January 2015 and 94.000 units (-18%) on January 2014, also due to the decrease in fixed-term contracts (–15% on January 2015 and -14% on January 2014).

"With the 2016 stability law – still remembers the INPS – a new form of incentive was introduced aimed at permanent hiring and the transformation of fixed-term contracts of workers who, in the previous six months, have not had permanent employment relationships. The measure of the benefit provides for the reduction of social security contributions paid by the employer (excluding Inail premiums) by 40% (within the annual limit of 3.250 euros) for two years”. An incentive that is clearly less attractive than the one envisaged for hiring in 2015.

As regards job vouchers, 2016 million were sold in January 9,2 voucher intended for the payment of ancillary work services, with a nominal value of 10 euros, with a national average increase, compared to January 2015 equal to + 36%.
