
Inps: "Cip" arrives, a service to find social security information

It is intended for employees in the private sector and can be consulted on the Institute's website or on the "Inps mobile" app, all you need is the device Pin

Inps: "Cip" arrives, a service to find social security information

THEINPS spear"Consultation of Social Security Info"(cip), a new online service aimed at employees in the private sector. Through Cip, available on the Institute's website or on the "Inps mobile" app, taxpayers will be able to easily access a series of important information "relating to their taxable remuneration from a contributory point of view - writes the social security institution in a note - to some elements that can affect on future benefits, as well as the adjustments made by the employer on the occasion of the Uniemens complaints".

Interested taxpayers will be able to access Cip through the normal Inps device PIN. Once inside, they can be consulted different data that is not found in the bank statement:

  1. the name of the employer;
  2. the category of contractual classification of the worker (manager, manager, employee, worker, etc.) and the type of employment relationship (permanent, fixed-term, full-time, part-time, etc.);
  3. the taxable remuneration for social security purposes, with evidence of any taxable amount exceeding the ceiling;
  4. the presence and amount of adjustments made for checks to the family nucleus, divided into arrears and currents;
  5. the presence of adjustments made for permits and leave to protect maternity and paternity which give the right to notional credit;
  6. the presence of adjustments made for periods of illness which give the right to notional credit.

In the future, the list of data available within Cip will be enriched with further information relating to the employment relationship. Finally, when the service is fully operational, the taxpayer will be able to view all the data transmitted by the employer with the Uniemens report (days worked, absences, all adjustments made by the employer, allocation to the Treasury Fund, applied contract and more Still).

Furthermore, on the page dedicated to the service, workers will find a link to report any differences to INPS between the information found within Cip and those and those that result to them.
