
Inflation grows in Italy but remains stable in the major market economies

The organization's global consumer price index remains stable. The OECD has noted the growth in energy prices, calmed by the decline in food prices. Unlike other states, inflation in Italy is growing: +3,2% in February 2012

Inflation grows in Italy but remains stable in the major market economies

Stable inflation rate in the OECD area. The major market economies among the democratic systems saw the price of their goods and services grow by 2,8% in February, in line with the previous month. 

The organization itself, based in Paris, notes this, calculating that i energy prices recorded a tendential acceleration of 7,9% in the second month of the year compared to 7,4% in January, a figure offset however by the slowdown in foodstuffs which grew by 3,9% against 4,3% in previous month. 

The annual inflation rate continues to fall in Great Britain from 3,6% to 3,4% while it remains stable – again in February – in France with 2,3% and in the USA with 2,9%. On the rise instead in Italy, that rises from 3,2% January to 3,3%, Canada from 2,5% to 2,6%, Germany from 2,1% to 2,3% and Japan from 0,1% to 0,3%.

In the Eurozone it is stable at 2,7%. In all other major economies, except India, the inflation rate decelerated: from 4,5% to 3,2% in China (the lowest since June 2010), from 4,2% to 3,7% in Russia and from 6,2% to 5,8% in Brazil. For India, on the contrary, there was a marked acceleration, from 5,3% in January to 7,6% in February, even if below the peak of 10,1% reached last September.
