
Mechanical industry, support from Intesa Sanpaolo and Anima

The initiative is linked to the Superbonus and concerns the supply chain which involves over 1.000 associated companies with a turnover of approximately 45 billion euros.

Mechanical industry, support from Intesa Sanpaolo and Anima

As part of the interventions envisaged by the Superbonus mechanisms and the other tax incentives introduced by the Relaunch Decree, Intesa Sanpaolo and Anima, the Federation of National Associations of Various and Related Mechanical Industries, have signed an agreement to support over 1.000 companies associated with a turnover of around 45 billion euros. The partnership offers companies in the sector a package of innovative solutions that meet their dual needs: to support them in the execution phase of the works and to make the tax credits acquired through the discount on the invoice liquid. In this way it will be possible to allow the entire supply chain to immediately have the necessary liquidity.

The solutions will be reserved for individual companies or companies established in the production chain, as part of Intesa Sanpaolo's broader “Programma Sviluppo Filiere”, with the aim of supporting supplier SMEs that are part of it. In detail, Intesa Sanpaolo will share proposals with its Anima associates which provide for loans in the form of "advance contracts", aimed at accompanying companies in the management of contracts and execution of works also with the support of the Central Guarantee Fund and the purchase of credits of tax relating to the redevelopment of the building heritage and liquidation with the formula of the transfer without recourse.

Furthermore, the leading Italian banking group will extend the prerogatives of the agreement already in place with the consultancy firm Deloitte to Anima members for all phases of the intervention, from the management of administrative steps to the certifications necessary for the fiscal management of tax credits . In addition, to give further impetus to investments and to facilitate those in capital goods functional to energy efficiency measures and anti-seismic safety measures for buildings, Intesa Sanpaolo will provide solutions that can be combined with the measures of the Liquidity Decree. In favor of Anima members, the leading Italian banking group has set up a structure dedicated to consultancy in European loans with the aim of supporting companies in participating in tenders promoted by the European Commission on Research and Development issues.

Particular attention will also be paid to encouraging S-Loan (Sustainability Loan) financing, which Intesa Sanpaolo launched a few months ago in support of SMEs intending to carry out innovative investments based on ESG criteria (Environment, Social and Governance) to encourage a wider dissemination of socially and culturally responsible behavior among companies in the sector.

“The initiatives we undertake as the leading bank in the country – he commented Anna Roscio, head of the Intesa Sanpaolo Business Sales & Marketing Department – in favor of trade associations are fundamental, even more so in this phase of strong impact on the production activities generated by the pandemic. Today's agreement with a partner such as Anima allows us to further strengthen the relationship with the Italian mechanical industry, putting in place the best business support solutions. Among these, we reserve for associates the opportunity to become part of our Supply Chain Development Program thanks to which we have already involved more than 100 mechanical supply chains for a total turnover of over 11 billion euros and, aware of the importance of also accompany them in improvement paths from an ESG perspective, we favor "Sustainability Loans" for the green transition".

“We strongly appreciated and supported the “Superbonus” for energy efficiency – he added Marco Nocivelli, President of Anima Confindustria -, in the belief that the recovery of the country's economy must pass through the construction sector and the consequent energy requalification of buildings. The agreement with Intesa Sanpaolo will guarantee a preferential lane to Anima member companies, which will be able to receive subsidized loans and in the form of "advance contracts". In this historical moment it is necessary to do everything possible to support the mechanical industry and the entire manufacturing sector; this year's setback will be very difficult to recover, some companies have already closed. We are confident that this agreement will provide further support for the revitalization of the economy of our associated companies, thanks also to the support of the Central Guarantee Fund and the consultancy of Deloitte”.
