Increasingly rich Chinese, despite the crisis

The global economic and financial crisis does not stop China, which can count not only on a growing number of rich people, but also on increasingly richer rich people: according to a recent survey by Hurun Report, the magazine that publishes the list of the thousand citizens of the People's Republic with a personal fortune exceeding two billion yuan (230 million euros), in 2001 the record was set with an average of 924 million US dollars (687 million euros).

Of the top 100 personalities that appeared on the list in 2010, 98 remained on the list and all saw an increase in their personal assets. Linag Wengen, chairman of Sany Group, a group active in the heavy machinery sector, was at the top of the ranking, with a personal fortune of 70 billion yuan (8,1 billion euros). Worth noting is not only an increase in wealth, but also the relatively young age (for China) of these people: the thousand Chinese Scrooge McDuck are on average only 51 years old.


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