
Inclusion Income (Rei): what it is, how it works and who can receive it

Up to a maximum of 485 euros per month for beneficiaries of the anti-poverty measure - The amount will vary from 190 to 485 euros per month, but there are very stringent access requirements - Applications to be submitted to the Municipality - Here's everything you need we need to know about the provision approved by the Council of Ministers

Inclusion Income (Rei): what it is, how it works and who can receive it

From 1 January 2018 the Rei, acronym of Inclusion Income, will come into force. The RThe related decree was approved today, 29 August, by the Council of Ministers as a measure to combat poverty.

On the basis of the provisions, approximately 660 families in possession of the required requisites, according to initial calculations, will have the possibility of receiving an economic benefit whose amount will vary from 190 to 485 euros per month, based on income. Applications for access to the Rei must be sent starting from 1 December.

Inclusion income: what it is

The Rei is a national measure aimed at combating poverty. It's actually not just about an economic benefit of variable amount, but also provides for a customized social and work activation and inclusion project aimed at helping the beneficiary households to overcome the condition of poverty in which they find themselves. As regards the "financial part", the established amount will be disbursed through the Carta Rei, an electronic payment card.

Inclusion income: who can receive it

As mentioned, based on calculations, they will be approx 660 families who will have the opportunity to access to income inclusion, of which 580 thousand with minor children. 

The measure is aimed in particular at families with minor or disabled children, pregnant women or people over fifty-five who are unemployed.

Inclusion income: amount and duration

The amount of the Rei will go from a minimum of 187,5 euros per month to a maximum of 485,4 euros, i.e. the amount of the social allowance. The figure also depends on the coexistence with other healthcare treatments.

The foreseen amount will be disbursed for 18 months and cannot be renewed before 6 months, after which a new access is possible. In case of renewal, however, the maximum duration drops to 12 months.

Inclusion income: requirements

The following will be able to access the Rei:

  • Italian citizens,
  • EU citizens,
  • family members of Italian or EU citizens, not having citizenship in a Member State, holders of the right of residence or right of permanent residence,
  • foreign citizens in possession of the EC residence permit for long-term residents,
  • holders of international protection (political asylum, subsidiary protection) residing in Italy for at least two years at the time of submitting the application.

Also expected stringent economic requirements: access will be allowed to families with an ISEE equal to or less than 6 thousand euros and an equivalent income equal to or less than 3 thousand euros. The real estate assets, other than the residential house, must have a value not exceeding 20 thousand euros, while for movable assets the threshold is equal to 10 thousand euros (which becomes 8 thousand for a cup and 6 thousand for a single subject)

Inclusion income: questions

Applications to access the benefit may be presented to the Municipality from the month of December. It will be the municipality that takes care of verifying the necessary requirements and forwards the request to INPS within 10 working days of its receipt.

The National Social Security Institute, having carried out the necessary checks, will proceed with the recognition of the benefit.

