
Fires: Italy burns, politics stop hiding

Fires cannot be predicted, but the territory must be protected and politics must strike a blow – Draghi's signal

Fires: Italy burns, politics stop hiding

They are the mirror of a country that has little regard for itself, at least from an environmental point of view. - fire, the massive damage to the territory, the devastation of these days surprise anyone? Who? Where? The extraordinary heat wave descended on a sick body, assisted (so to speak) by unprepared or guilty doctors. Italy in the XNUMXs, XNUMXs and XNUMXs is essentially the same as it was in the XNUMXs. With entire pieces of territory abandoned by men, powers and hopes. Finding your way through the labyrinth of laws, regulations, standards, committees, to understand what has been organized but not done is more complicated than getting out of the labyrinth of Knossos.

Deaths and tragedies have beaten the thankless time of delays, waste, robberies and scandals of all kinds. Italian scientists are among the most popular in the world with cutting-edge laboratories and centers of excellence, yet politics is dedicated to them with a cadence inversely proportional to environmental and climatic upheavals.

Can fires be prevented? Not always. But knowing which parts of Sicily, Sardinia and other regions must be protected - always - is the task of good administration. There can be no indulgence for failing to put the conservation of the earth on which we stand at the top of things to do. The statistics every year indicate rising percentages of countries at risk.

The retribution of such negligence lies within the money that the Draghi government had to provide for the protection of the territory against calamities of all kinds. Draghi is not a magician and wise Italians do not believe in firefighter fantasies or miraculous actions. But they know how to recognize those who intend to take things seriously, to make today's Italy different from that of the XNUMXs. With extinguished fires.
