
Ineligibility of the condemned, the decree is close

Today the three ministers Cancellieri, Patroni Griffi and Severino are meeting to finalize the final details of the delegated decree which provides for the ineligibility for those who have been convicted or have negotiated a minimum sentence of two years - Two open problems: the duration of the exclusion and the list of foreseen crimes.

Ineligibility of the condemned, the decree is close

Those who have been convicted definitively or have negotiated a minimum two-year sentence will no longer be able to run for any elected or government office. Under penalty of immediate removal from office. Initially it was thought that the provision would be included in the anti-corruption law, but a decree self.

Only a few details are missing and today the three ministers Anna Maria Cancellieri, Filippo Patroni Griffi and Paola Severino - respectively Interior, Public Administration and Justice - will meet to establish the final version of the text, which will be examined by Palazzo Chigi this week. At that point, the parliamentary committees will have 60 days to give a non-binding opinion.  

The new discipline to have "clean lists" should come into force in time not only for the next policies in April, but also for the regional ones in Lombardy, Lazio and Molise at the end of January. The parties will therefore have to act accordingly in drawing up the lists. 

However, there are still two problems to solve. The first concerns the duration of the ineligibility, which should be adjusted in proportion to the seriousness of the offense for which the conviction has been received. The second instead pertains precisely to crimes: it is necessary to draw up a list of offences which will prevent them from standing for election. 

The delegation provides that all crimes "of serious social alarm" and against the public administration are covered. The wording would include corruption, but, curiously, it seems to exclude - in addition to tax fraud - even the exploitation of child prostitution. One of the crimes for which Silvio Berlusconi is on trial.
