In finance, even women are only looking for money and power: film or reality?

The first film dedicated to women's finance, "Equity", was presented in the United States in recent days, a film that will cause much discussion and which argues, in no uncertain terms, that women who dedicate themselves as protagonists to business and in particular in finance they are no less cynical than men and think only of money and power.

Naomi Bishop, investment banker and key figure in the film played by actress Anna Gunn, replies glacially to a group of female students from her old university: “Yes, I like money. I won't tell you that I do this job to take care of others. It's perfectly fine to do it for ourselves. The truth is that I do it for the power and for the money and that female ambition is no longer a dirty word”.

In reality, women jostling to make a career are not found only in investment banking or finance, but – whatever the activity – is there a line between careerism and female cynicism? And above all, is the reality that emerges from “Equity” the American one or does it also apply to Europe and Italy? In short, are we facing a film or a reality that you don't expect?

In the coming weeks "Equity" promises to be discussed. And not just women, who will not fail to mention the many barriers that still hinder their careers even in the world of finance.

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