
Imu, close government between companies and municipalities

The Executive is thinking about how to extend the postponement of the first Imu installment to industrial warehouses as well, but far more demanding requests are arriving from the Business Network - Delrio reassures the Municipalities: "There will be no liquidity deficit for the Municipalities" - The decree on Friday Cabinet.

Imu, close government between companies and municipalities

On one side the companies, on the other the Municipalities. And then the citizens. The Government must reassure several fronts about the fate of the Imu. Postponing the down payment on the first home is not enough, which is why the Executive technicians are trying to extend the postponement also to industrial warehouses. This is certainly not a decisive measure, but a simple expedient to buy time: the new deadline will probably be in September, the limit within which it will be necessary to rethink the entire property tax model and produce a new reform. Without increasing the deficit, of course.

At the moment the Government seems oriented towards satisfying the requests arriving from the productive world, but only in terms of postponement, which does not require finding new coverage (even if, in the decree arriving on Friday, it will still be impossible to grant the stop to everyone). In a letter addressed to Prime Minister Enrico Letta, Italian Business Network however, it requires a much greater effort. 

“The IMU was, and is, a real sting, especially for SMEs – reads the text -. Half of the approximately 24 billion euros of Imu revenue in 2012 was borne by businesses. The proposal to suspend the payment of the first installment of the tax also for companies would be only a first step pending a complete revision of the real estate taxation which excludes from the IMU the buildings instrumental to the business activity, because these assets do not they represent a formula for the accumulation of assets, but they are essential for the exercise of entrepreneurial activity: without the instrumental properties, the company does not live, does not exist, it dies”. And by “properties instrumental to business activities” we also mean shops and hotels. 

Not only the prospect of abolition, but also the idea of ​​simple postponement has long caused concern municipalities, which from this year should collect the entire revenue produced by the tax. In recent days it was confirmed that local administrations will receive temporary advances from the State Treasury to cover the failure to collect the first installment (a total of two billion to be found by June). 

Today, however, the Minister of Regional Affairs, Graziano Delrio, calmed spirits also in the future: "We will carry out an overall review of property taxation - he said -, but we will not create any liquidity deficit for the municipalities. The Government will guarantee the keeping of the accounts at central and territorial level".
