
Imu and Tasi, down payment June 17: the average cost city by city

There are just a few days left before the deadline set by the tax authorities for the payment of the Imu and Tasi advance - the Uil territorial policy service has calculated the average amount to be paid: here's how much it amounts to

Imu and Tasi, down payment June 17: the average cost city by city

The expiry of the Imu and Tasi down payment is almost upon us: by June 17, taxpayers will have to pay what they owe, bringing more than 10 billion euros into the state coffers. In December, when the balance has also been paid the Treasury will collect a total of 20,5 billion euros. These are the figures contained in the Report drawn up by the Territorial Policies Service of the Uil who also calculated the overall average cost of Imu and Tasi on the second home in the provincial capitals.


Data in hand, the highest cost in absolute value for the property tax and that on indivisible services will be borne by the citizens of Roma, called to pay a total of 2.064 euros on average. The second place in the standings is not a surprise either: Milano, with an average of 2.040 euros. Third step of the podium for Bologna, at an altitude of 20.38 euros.


According to the data provided by Uil, on a general level, the average cost of Imu and Tasi in the various provincial capitals will be equal to 1.070 euros, of which 535 to be paid in advance by 17 June. The figure doubles if you have to pay the tax on the first luxury homes (villas, castles, etc.). In the provincial capitals, the expenditure will be 2.610 euros, of which 1.305 euros in advance, with peaks of over 6 thousand euros.

Returning to second homes, above 2.000 euros, as mentioned, there will only be Rome, Milan and Bologna, but a huge expense - between the down payment and the balance - will also have to be faced by the taxpayers of GenoVa (1.775 euros) e Torino (1.745 euro).

Well below the average we find instead:

  • Asti: average cost of 580 euros,  
  • Gorizia: average cost of 582 euros,
  • Catanzaro: average cost of 659 euros,
  • Crotone: average cost of 672 euros
  • Sondrio: average cost of 674 euros.  


As regards the rates of Imu and Tasi, the average applied by the various Municipalities is equal to 10,4 per thousand. In many Municipalities (480 municipalities of which 18 are capital cities) the 'Tasi surcharge' has been confirmed, up to a maximum of 0,8 per thousand.

Also bear in mind that, they are over 200 Municipalities that this year have decided to raise the rates, among which Turin, La Spezia, Pordenone, Avellino stand out.

The choices made in Florence, Grosseto, Pavia, Lucca, Taranto, Biella, Vercelli where the tax rates go down are in the opposite direction.  
