
Imu: declarations towards the postponement, but the obligation will involve more people than the ICI

The obligation to produce a new declaration concerns two cases: the properties on which the IMU discipline does not correspond to the old ICI and the new real estate situations to be declared which emerged during 2012 - The deadline is for 1 October, but a postponement is more how probable.

Imu: declarations towards the postponement, but the obligation will involve more people than the ICI

The deadline should slip, but the new administrative hassles are not in question. In the Finance offices, the hypothesis of moving the last useful date to send the Imu declaration further on the calendar is making its way. The deadline was set for September 30 and should be extended to the end of the year. A decision that seems inevitable, because the approval of the Imu model has not yet taken place, even if it should be in the pipeline by now.  

In reality, as far as the IMU is concerned, the ICI declarations are inherited in most cases. The obligation to produce a new one therefore concerns two cases: the properties on which the IMU discipline does not correspond to the old ICI and the new real estate situations to be declared that emerged during 2012. 

Do the math, in the end the obligation to declare (on paper forms, of course) will affect many homeowners until now excluded. The draft instructions, for example, always require declarations for rental homes, even if the lease is prior to 2012. 

This is because the Municipalities cannot access the databases of the Revenue Agency, where all the documents on rents in Italy are archived. Faced with the usual communication difficulties in the public administration, the chosen solution therefore seems once again to be that of pre-digital Italy: to ask citizens for new pieces of paper to cram into warehouses.
