THEIMU for the 2024 is upon us, and I enter the 17nd June property owners must pay the first payment. Some rules fundamentals remain unchanged, such as the exemption for main homes and related appurtenances, with the exception of luxury ones. Furthermore, the 25% reduction for properties rented at an "agreed rent" and the exemption for properties occupied illegally persists, but with an additional requirement: it is necessary to have reported the violation of domicile or that judicial action has been initiated. criminal. But who is obliged to pay the IMU and who is not? How does the calculation work? Here's everything you need to know.
Guide to Imu 2024: deadlines and payment rules
Il payment of the first Imu installment 2024 it must be done by June 17, 2024, as June 16 falls on a Sunday. To calculate the down payment, we use the rates and deductions of the previous year. The balance, however, is paid by December 16th, using the rates published by October 28th on the Mef website. If the new rates are not available, the 2023 rates will apply.
It is possible to pay the entire amount of the 2024 IMU in a single payment by 17 June, but in this case the 2024 rates must be used immediately, if available.
At each deadline, 50% of the tax paid the previous year is paid. The December balance will be calculated on the definitive 2024 rates.
Le Imu rates for 2024 I'm:
- 0,5% for first luxury homes
- 0,86% for other properties, including building land
- 0,86% for properties for productive use (category D), of which 0,76% is reserved for the State
- 0,76% for agricultural land
- 0,1% for rural buildings for instrumental use
- 0,1% for non-rented goods buildings
These rates, we remember, can be modified by the Municipalities, which can increase or decrease them, until they reach zero.
The Imu pours on monthly basis and there is a rule to keep in mind. If you own a property for more than half the days of a month, then you have to pay IMU for the entire month. If the transfer of ownership occurs in the middle of the month, the day of transfer is considered to belong to the buyer. In this case, the IMU for the entire month of the transfer falls on his shoulders if the number of days of possession is the same as that of the previous owner.
Who is obliged to pay the IMU?
All are required to pay the IMU property owners in Italy, as well as those who hold a right real on them (usufruct, use, habitation, emphyteusis, surface). Companies must pay IMU for all properties owned, except for commodity properties built for sale and left unsold. The IMU applies on second homes, rented properties o vacant, offices, shops, deposits, sheds, and agricultural land, unless they are located in mountain or hill municipalities.
In the case of more co-owners or of several co-owners of a real right, the IMU is paid by each in proportion to their share and with separate payments. The home tax exemption.
How do you pay?
Payment is made via model F24, the PagoPA platform or postal bulletin, preferably with the F24 to offset the IMU with any tax credits and to pay the tax due in multiple municipalities with a single model. But how do you compile it? In the "Imu and other local taxes" section of the F24 form, it is necessary to indicate:
- The cadastral code of the Municipality.
- The number of properties for which the payment is made.
- The tax year (2023).
- The amount to be paid, grouped according to the tax code for each type of property.
Furthermore, the payment must be made by rounding the amount to the nearest euro: downwards if the fraction is less than 49 cents, or upwards if higher.
Imu 2024: exemptions
They are not required to pay IMU owners of properties used as first homes and related appurtenances, with the exception of luxury properties (land registry categories A1, A8 and A9). The exemption also applies to:
- The family home in the event of separation or divorce, assigned to the parent with custody of the children.
- The real estate units of undivided ownership building cooperatives.
- The home of members of the armed forces, police, fire brigade or prefectural career.
- Properties owned by elderly or disabled people residing in hospitalization or healthcare institutions, upon decision of the individual municipality.
- The owners of illegally occupied houses, provided that they have submitted a report to the judicial authority and communicated the data of the occupied property through the annual IMU declaration. It is important to note that the exemption remains valid even without the implementing decree, since it only concerns the IMU declaration form to be submitted by 30 June 2024.
They are exempt from the tax agricultural land owned and managed by direct farmers and professional agricultural entrepreneurs, regardless of their location, as well as land located on the smaller islands or intended for agro-silvo-pastoral use under indivisible collective ownership.
The Constitutional Court has clarified that the unmarried couples, married or in a civil relationship, residing in different homes, even if located in the same municipality, are entitled to double exemption from the tax, without necessarily respecting the double requirement of registered residence and habitual residence. Non-commercial entities are exempt if the properties are intended exclusively for non-commercial activities (health, education, recreation, sports, welfare, cultural, etc.).
Furthermore, the exemption from paying the tax for the municipalities affected by the 2012 earthquakes in Emilia-Romagna, Lombardy and Veneto and 2016 in Central Italy was extended by one year.
Reductions for 2024
Are provided reductions of the Imu for:
- Properties that are unusable or uninhabitable and actually unused.
- Real estate units given for free use to relatives in a direct line within the first degree, provided that the bailor has registered residence and lives in the same municipality as the property granted on loan.
- Buildings of historical or artistic interest.
- Properties rented at an agreed rent. In municipalities with high housing tension (provincial capitals and municipalities with more than 10.000 inhabitants), a 25% reduction in the IMU is applied, therefore 75% of the tax is paid. For land, in the Municipalities where it is still subject to IMU, the territorial income revalued by 25% and multiplied by 135 is considered.
The properties given in loan between parents and children they benefit from one 50% Off on the IMU, respecting the conditions imposed by the Revenue Agency:
- The bailor must reside and habitually live in the same municipality where the property on loan is located.
- The borrower must use the property as his main residence, establishing both his registered residence and his habitual residence.
- The bailor can only own another residential property in the same municipality, used as his main residence.
- The bailor must not own, in addition to the property given on loan and his main residence, any other residential property in Italy.
- The loan contract must be registered, subject to the payment of 200 euros of registration tax, with the possibility of amnesty through voluntary repentance.
For 2024 one applies 50% reduction in IMU on housing possessed da Italian citizens not resident in Italy, holders of a foreign pension under an international agreement with Italy, provided that the house is not rented or given on loan for use.
Calculation of the IMU, from the cadastral income to the tax: how does it work?
Il Imu calculation begins with the cadastral income of the property, attributed to the first of January of the year. This income can be found in the deed, in a recent cadastral survey, in the RB section of PF Incomes or in the B section of 730. The cadastral income is then revalued of 5%. Once revalued, the income must be multiplied by a specific coefficient depending on the type of property. For homes and related appurtenances the coefficient it is 160, for offices it is 80 and for shops it is 55. These multipliers have remained unchanged compared to 2023.
La tax base obtained by applying the multipliers indicated above is then subject to rates approved by the relevant municipality for the current year. If rates change, a balance in December. There are also the reductions, as we mentioned before.
example, let's suppose we have a house with a cadastral income of 1.000 euros. After the 5% revaluation, the annuity becomes 1.050 euros. Applying the multiplier of 160 for homes, a tax base of 168 thousand euros is obtained. If the municipal rate is 0,4%, the IMU to be paid will be 672 euros.
What happens if the IMU is not paid or is paid late?
If a taxpayer is unable to pay the IMU on time, he can still do so late thanks to the "active repentance“. This tool allows you to reduce the penalties applied for late payment of taxes, making it easier to regularize your tax position.
There are different ways of repentance, each with specific rules depending on the severity of the irregularity and of delay in payment:
- Industrious repentance sprint: for delays of up to 14 days, the fine is reduced and progressively increases each subsequent day.
- Brief laborious repentance, intermediate and long: for delays exceeding 14 days, the penalties gradually increase, with an increase in interest.
- Biennial and very long repentance: for more serious irregularities or prolonged delays, the penalties and interest may be greater.
If a year passes from the non-payment you lose the opportunity to take advantage of this repentance and have to pay the standard sanctions, which are higher (30% of the sums owed, in addition to late payment interest).
In the event of persistent non-compliance, the tax authorities can take more serious measures, such as taking legal action to compulsorily recover the debt.