December 16 is the last day to pay the second installment of the Imu 2021. The deadline is the same as always, as is the basic rule: you do not pay the Imu on your first home (or rather: on your main home , i.e. the one in which you have your registered residence and habitually reside), nor on its appurtenances (box, cellar, attic, parking space), unless it is a luxury property (cadastral categories A/1, A /8 and A/9, i.e. stately homes, villas and castles). Instead, the tax is paid in full on second homes, buildings, building areas and agricultural land, but exemptions are provided for some categories particularly affected by the pandemic (see below).
A 25% discount is also granted on properties rented at an agreed rent and a 50% reduction on homes given on free loan basis to first-degree relatives (i.e., in the vast majority of cases, to children), provided that the beneficiary resides in the house offered free of charge, does not own other houses and the registration tax of 200 euros has been paid on the contract.
Waiting for land registry reform – which risks bringing a tax burden on various properties, but will take a long time – the rules for calculating the Imu remain the same as always.
The basis is the 2021 cadastral income, which must be revalued by 5%. Local rates are then applied to this number. But be careful: before paying the second installment, it is advisable to consult the resolution of your municipality (which can be found on the Department of Finance website) to check if the rates have risen compared to the June advance. In this case, the balance on the first installment must also be paid.
Il August decree establishes that the Imu is not due for the years 2021 and 2022 on properties that fall into the cadastral category D / 3, i.e. theatres, cinemas and concert halls, provided that the owners are also managers of the activities.
Finally, based on the Sostegni bis decree, people who have rented a house for residential use and - after 2021 February 28 - have obtained an eviction validation for non-payment, the execution of which is suspended until 2020 September 30 or until 2021 December 31.