
Enterprises: from Intesa and Confindustria 2 billion to Liguria

The 2016-2019 "Designing the future" agreement, which provides a national ceiling of 90 billion euro over the three years, has been strengthened

Enterprises: from Intesa and Confindustria 2 billion to Liguria

Confindustria Piccola Industria and Intesa Sanpaolo have strengthened the 2016-2019 agreement "Designing the future". The partnership provides a national ceiling of 90 billion euros over the three years, of which 2 billion intended for Ligurian companies.

“The goal – explains Carlo Robiglio, president of Piccola Industria Confindustria – is to enhance all the strengths of our industrial fabric, especially the intangible ones, to ensure that sustainability, innovation, training, enhancement of human capital and skills become driving factors for a restart that is more urgent and necessary than ever".

"We support companies that invest with innovative tools and guided growth paths - continues Cristina Balbo, regional director of Piedmont Valle d'Aosta and Liguria Intesa Sanpaolo - Our rating system enhances intangible assets that distinguish the most successful companies, such as innovation and human capital. In recent years we have innovated our service model in favor of client companies that we serve not only with credit, but accompanying them in their cultural change, with initiatives ranging from the analysis of competitive positioning, to the optimization and digitization of business processes " .
