
Impregilo leaves Ecorodovias and collects 193 million

Also sold the remaining 6,5% to Btg Pactual – In all, the sale of the entire stake in Ecorodovias generates net proceeds for the group of approximately 925 million.

Impregilo leaves Ecorodovias and collects 193 million

Impregilo has sold 6,5% of the Brazilian Ecorodovias to Btg Pactual, cashing 193 million euro net of taxes. The Italian general contractor thus definitively exits the capital of South American society. 

The sale of the entire investment in Ecorodovias generates a net proceeds for the group equal to about 925 million – explains a note from the company – and constitutes a fundamental step in the implementation of the new 2013-15 business plan, which envisages refocusing in the strategic construction sector and a more efficient allocation of capital with a view to optimizing returns for all shareholders .

This morning, about an hour after the opening, the Impregilo share dropped 0,16% in Piazza Affari. 
