
Ilva, Emiliano's appeal to the TAR infuriates Calenda and the unions

The Minister of Development freezes the negotiations pending the decision of the Tar and denounces the "systematic and irresponsible work of obstructionism of the local Apulian institutions" - For the secretary general of the Fim-Cisl, Marco Bentivogli, "the choice of the Governor of Puglia, Michele Emiliano, resorting to the TAR is a serious and irresponsible act"

"I have decided that we will freeze the negotiations on Ilva waiting for the decision of the TAR of Lecce on the appeal of the governor of the Puglia region, Emiliano, and of the Municipality of Taranto". This was announced by the Minister of Economic Development, Carlo Calenda during the CGIL assembly on steel.

On Tuesday evening Calenda had heavily criticized the appeal of the Puglia Region and the Municipality of Taranto against the environmental decree for the town: "Continue the systematic and irresponsible work of obstruction of local Apulian institutions. I think this is the first case in the world in which an industrial redevelopment investment of this size is opposed by the representatives of the territory that will benefit most from it. I sincerely hope that the Region and the Municipality have well thought out the possible consequences of their initiatives and the related responsibilities ". The owner of Development recalls that 1,2 billion in industrial investments are at stake, as well as 2,3 billion in environmental requalification investments and 20.000 jobs. According to the government, the Dpcm's challenge decided by the local administrations “puts at risk the entire transfer operation and the interventions in favor of the environment. Despite the detailed presentation of the environmental and industrial plan made at the institutional table of the Ministry, however deserted at the last minute by the Mayor of Taranto, the commitment made to convene a table dedicated to Taranto and the anticipation of the roofing works of the parks confirmed today by the commissioners".

Also according to the general secretary of the Fim Cisl, Marco Bentivogli, “the choice of the Governor of Puglia, Michele Emiliano di resorting to the Tar is irresponsible. Entrusting your disappointment to the Tar with being at a table parallel to the one with the union is a childish and serious attitude. You cannot drag out a story in which environmental rehabilitation and the defense of thousands of jobs on a whim for one's political visibility are at stake. The Puglia Region has many opportunities and responsibilities to exercise in order to make its positive contribution. Today he has decided to throw the ball in the stands to the detriment of the environment, employment and development. Take an example from the other four regions involved who have welcomed their participation at the institutional table".

On the same wavelength the general secretary of the Fim Cisl of Taranto-Brindisi, Valerio D'Alò: «This attitude of Emiliano's does nothing but lengthen the times for the environmentalization of the territory. Upgrading the factory quickly should be a common goal. Resorting to the Tar means postponing the implementation of the AIA prescriptions, including the coverage of the mineral parks. Decision, that of the President of the Puglia Region - concludes D'Alò - which at the same time extremely penalizes all those workers, of the pipe mills and not only, at home burdened by the weight of social safety nets».
