
Ilva, double the cancers of women in the factory area

Between 2003 and 2009 the cases of female cancer in the area of ​​the Ilva steel plant increased incredibly compared to the rest of the province of Taranto: from +24% to +100%.

Ilva, double the cancers of women in the factory area

Cancer multiplies around the factory. Between 2003 and 2009, the cases of female cancer in the area of ​​the Ilva steel plant increased incredibly compared to the rest of the province of Taranto. If nine years ago they were already 24% higher, three years ago the discrepancy reached 100%. Twice. And general mortality in the Taranto area continues to increase: in the period 2003-2009 it was 11% higher than the death expectations of all citizens residing in Puglia. In the previous period (1998-2002) it was 10%. The data is contained in the update of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità's "Paths" project on polluted Italian sites, carried out together with the World Health Organization.

“The situation in Taranto is undoubtedly complex – said Minister Renato Balduzzi -. I believe an effort is needed, including by public health, for constant health monitoring and a prevention plan for workers, children, everyone, with targeted initiatives ". 
