Users Iliad are facing significant disruption to services Internet and voice. According to Downdetector, shortly before 10 this morning, over 4.100 were recorded reports of malfunctions, with a subsequent drop below a thousand. Even on social networks, users are complaining about problems with Iliad. The problems mainly concern the connection Mobile internet (60%), followed by fixed line (26%) and from mobile voice service (14%).
In a context of technological disruption, another yesterday Intesa Sanpaolo has been hit by a major disruption, with serious malfunctions on the app, raising similar concerns among users.
Iliad why does not work? Unknown causes
Geographically, the problems are concentrated in several Italian cities, including Milan, Rome, Bologna, Bari, Florence, Pescara, Modena, Rimini e Forlì. At the moment, the causes of down are not yet clear and the company has not released any official statements on the matter.
This is not the first time that Iliad has encountered problems of this type: on May 30th, similar difficulties had been reported by users. Although the number of reports is decreasing, users continue to monitor the situation, hoping for a quick service recovery.